Emeriti Faculty
Lisa Albrecht Lisa Albrecht
- Professor Emeritus
- lalbrech@umn.edu
Lisa Albrecht, an activist educator and writer, is professor emeritus in the School of Social Work at the University of Minnesota, where she founded an undergraduate program in Social Justice.

Michael Baizerman Michael Baizerman
- Professor Emeritus
- 612-624-4912
- mbaizerm@umn.edu
Youth involvement in civic issues Philosophical and human sciences understandings of the idea of "youth," how it is represented, theorized and lived.

Jeffrey Edleson Jeffrey Edleson
- Professor Emeritus
- jedleson@umn.edu
Child Welfare, Positive Youth Development, Prevention Science, Intervention and Services Research

Priscilla Gibson Priscilla Gibson
- Professor; Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker
- 612-624-3678
- pgibson@umn.edu
Cultural Competence, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Qualitative Research Methods, Social Justice

Jane Gilgun Jane Gilgun
- Professor Emerita
- 612-625-1220
- jgilgun@umn.edu
Principal Investigator, The Meanings of Violence to Perpetrators, funded by the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, 1985 to 2021, and other funders Jane Gilgun is a professor emerita, School of Social Work, where she was a professor from 1984…

Wendy Haight Wendy Haight
- Professor and Gamble-Skogmo Chair in Child Welfare and Youth Policy
- 612-624-4721
- whaight@umn.edu
Child Welfare, Developmental Psychology, Mental Health, Social Services, Substance Abuse

C.David Hollister C.David Hollister
- Professor Emeritus
- 612-625-1220
- dhollist@umn.edu
Study of immigrants, homelessness, and child welfare Study of impacts on immigrants of welfare-to-work transitions under the Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) Ongoing follow-up studies of MSW child welfare graduates career experiences 1991 -…

Linda Jones Linda Jones
- Professor Emeritus
- 612-624-3691
- ljones@umn.edu
"The Kids Capacity Initiative Pilot Project." The purpose of this project is to develop, implement, and evaluate a strengths-based approach to treatment foster care.

Elizabeth Lightfoot Elizabeth Lightfoot
- Distinguished Global Professor Emeritus
- 612-624-4710
- elightfo@umn.edu
Elizabeth Lightfoot is Distinguished Global Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota’s School of Social Work. She was on faculty at the University of Minnesota from 1999 to 2021, and was the doctoral program director from 2006 to 2021.

Jean Quam Jean Quam
- Professor Emeritus
- jquam@umn.edu
I started my social work career as an outreach social worker in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, working with the physically and mentally handicapped. I had earned a B.A. in social work from Moorhead State University in Moorhead, Minnesota, and an M.S.W.

James Reinardy James Reinardy
- Associate Professor Emeritus
- 612-625-0294
- jreinard@umn.edu
Dr. Reinardy has been a faculty member at SSW-UMN since 1993 where he has served in administrative positions and well as teaching and research.

Ronald Rooney Ronald Rooney
- Professor Emeritus
- 612-624-3712
- rrooney@umn.edu
Dr. Rooney's special areas of scholarship and research relate to work with reluctant and involuntary clients in a variety of settings including public child welfare.

Mark Umbreit Mark Umbreit
- Professor Emeritus
- 612-625-7726
- mumbreit@umn.edu
The Impact of Capital Punishment on the Healing of Family Survivors of Homicide Victims. Community Peacemaking Project: Responding to Hate Crimes and Intolerance Through Restorative Justice Dialogue.

Oliver Williams Oliver Williams
- Professor
- 612-624-9217
- owilliam@umn.edu
Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR), Cultural Competence, Family Violence, Social Services, Specific Cultures (African American)