Mark Umbreit
Professor Emeritus
School of Social Work
Peters Hall
1404 Gortner Ave
Saint Paul, MN 55108-6160 - 612-625-7726

Areas of interest
Restorative justice, indigenous justice & healing, human rights, victim services, criminal/juvenile justice, peacemaking, spirituality, forgiveness, reconciliation, mediation, conflict resolution, social change
PhD, University of Minnesota,
MPA, Indiana University Northwest
- The Impact of Capital Punishment on the Healing of Family Survivors of Homicide Victims.
- Community Peacemaking Project: Responding to Hate Crimes and Intolerance Through Restorative Justice Dialogue.
- The Impact of Victim Sensitive Offender Dialogue in Crimes of Severe Violence.
- An Evaluation of Implementing Restorative Justice and Victim Offender Mediation in Six Regions of Ukraine.
Dr. Umbreit is an internationally recognized practitioner and scholar with more than 40 years of experience as a mediator, peacemaker, trainer, teacher, and researcher. He has written 10 books and more than 200 other publications in the fields of restorative justice, mediation, spirituality, forgiveness, and peacemaking. His research has contributed significantly to restorative justice policy development in the United States and other countries. In the recent past, he worked as a Senior International Consultant with the United Nations Development Program and the Ministry of Justice in Turkey to support their legislative efforts to implement victim offender mediation throughout the country. In recent months he has presented his research and provided training workshops in several cities of both Taiwan and Japan. Dr. Umbreit and his colleagues at the Center for Restorative Justice & Peacemaking, at the request of the mayor's office in St. Paul, MN, conducted an audit of the police civilian internal affairs commission, including recommendations for major structural change to respond to concerns of local communities of color over aggressive policing, all of which were eventually accepted by the St. Paul City Council. At the request of the Nebraska Administrative Office of the Courts, they have been engaged in a five year contract to implement statewide restorative justice policies and practices in Nebraska.
Dr. Mark Umbreit is a Professor and founding Director of the Center for Restorative Justice & Peacemaking at the University of Minnesota, School of Social Work. Mark serves on the faculty of the Center for Spirituality & Healing in the Academic Health Center at the University of Minnesota, teaching courses on Peacebuilding Through Mindfulness Practice, and Forgiveness & Healing. He also serves as a Visiting Professor at the Marquette University Law School in Milwaukee teaching a course on Peacemaking and Spirituality. In past years, Mark has also served as a Fellow of the International Centre for Healing and the Law, and a Fellow of the Center for Contemplative Practice in Society. He is an internationally recognized practitioner and scholar with more than forty years of experience as a fsacilitator of dialogue, peacemaker, trainer, teacher, researcher, and author of 12 books and more than 200 other publications in the fields of restorative justice, mediation, spirituality, forgiveness, and peacemaking. Over the past three decades, Dr. Umbreit has provided consultation and conducted training seminars and lectures in 29 countries (in Asia, Africa, Europe, the Mideast, and North and South America) and nearly every state of the U.S.
As a practitioner, he periodically facilitates peace-building circles in the community, and restorative dialogues between family survivors of homicide or other victims of severe violence and the offender in their quest for healing and strength. Over recent years he has worked with colleagues in Northern Ireland, Italy, Liberia, and Israel/Palestine on peace building initiatives. In recent years he has been working extensively with the Archdiocese of Minneapolis/St. Paul in the wake of criminal and civil ligation related to a long history of massive clergy sexual abuse. Restorative justice was listed in the final settlement agreement as a key requirement of fostering accountability and healing.
Mark has provided technical assistance and training in support of restorative justice initiatives and victim offender mediation/conferencing programs in hundreds of communities in the U.S. and many countries. Dr. Umbreit’s multi-site and multi-national research has contributed significantly to restorative justice policy development in the U.S. and other countries, as well as providing resource materials and guidance to practitioners. Mark recently worked as a Senior International Consultant with the United Nations Development Program and the Ministry of Justice in Turkey to support their legislative efforts to implement victim offender mediation throughout the country. At the National Restorative Justice Conference in June of 2013 Dr. Umbreit was elected the founding President of the new National Association for Community and Restorative Justice in the U.S. and was re-elected to a second term. Dr. Umbreit is currently working with the United Nations Development Program and the criminal justice and corrections system in Brazil. In September of 2019, the International Association of Schools of Social Work recognized Dr. Umbreit among the 50 most notable social workers in American history, based on his global impact as a practitioner and scholar. Mark was also ranked among the 50 most influential contemporary social work faculty in the U.S., by the Journal of Social Service Research based on the depth and range of his work as a practitioner and scholar.
In recognition of his decades of service and peacemaking work, Legacy magazine dedicated a feature piece on Mark in their Summer 2017 issue. Exploring Mark's organic teaching methodology through the energy of storytelling, Legacy magazine creates a snapshot of Mark's pioneering research and its impacts on our communities, both locally and abroad.
Umbreit, M.S., Blevins, Jennifer, and Ted Lewis (2014, accepted for publication in 2015).The Energy of Forgiveness: Lessons From Former Enemies in Restorative Dialogue. Oregon: Wipf & Stock Publishers.
Armour, M. and Umbreit, M.S. (2014). “Survivors of homicide victims: factors that influence their well-being” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Forensic Social Work .
Armour, M. and Umbreit, M.S. (2013). “Impact of the ultimate penal sanction on the healing of family survivors of homicide victims: A two state comparison” Marquette Law Review,
Umbreit, M.S. (2013). Dancing With The Energy of Conflict & Trauma: Letting Go – Finding Peace. North Charleston, SC: Create Space Independent Book Publishing.
Umbreit, M.S. (2013). Restorative Justice: For victims, offenders, and communities. In Schwartz, C. (Ed.) Achieving Sustainability: Visions, Principles, and Practices. Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan.
Umbreit, M.S. (2012). “Peacemaking and spirituality: Touching the soul within the energy of conflict and trauma.“ In Corrymeela Magazine. Ballycastle, Northern Ireland.
Umbreit, M.S. (2011). Mindfulness, Deep Listening, and Stories: The Spiritual Core of Peacemaking, Mediation Digest: Northern Ireland.
Umbreit, M.S. and Armour, M. (2011). Restorative justice and re-entry: Impact, opportunities, and challenges, ACA Journal.
Umbreit, M.S., Armour, M. (2011). Restorative justice and dialogue: Impact, opportunities, and challenges in the global community, Law & Policy Journal: Washington University.
Umbreit, M.S., Armour, M.P. (2010). Family survivors of homicide meet the offender: The impact of restorative dialogue.” The Journal of Community Corrections. Vol.XIX: 25-34.
Umbreit, M.S. (2010). “Negotiating justice: Approaches to restorative justice.” Nigerian Journal of Negotiation and Dispute Resolution Annual Review.
Umbreit, M.S. (2010). “Victim offender mediation: Practice and implications.” Nigerian Journal of Negotiation and Dispute Resolution Annual Review.
Umbreit, M.S. (2008). "Restorative justice dialogue: Three decades of victim offender mediation practice & research in the global community." Corrections Review: Korean Society for Correctional Service. Vol. 37: 171-201.
Umbreit, M.S., Vos, B., Coates R.B. and Lightfoot, E. (2007). “Restorative justice: An empirically grounded movement facing many opportunities and pitfalls.” Cardoza Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. 8:1001-1059.
Umbreit, M.S., Vos, B., Coates, R.B., and Kathy Brown (2007). "Victim offender dialogue in violent cases." Acta Juridica Journal, pages 22-39.
Umbreit, M.S., Vos, B., Coates, R.B., and Kathy Brown (2007). "Victim Offender Dialogue in Violent Cases." Acta Juridica Journal, pages 22-39.
Armour, M.P. & Umbreit, M.S. (2007). The ultimate penal sanction and “closure” for survivors of homicide victims. Marquette Law Review, pages 101-141.
Umbreit, M.S., Coates, R.B. & Vos, B. (2007). “Restorative justice dialogue: A multi-dimensional evidence-based practice theory.” Contemporary Justice Review, Vol. 10(1): 23-42.
Umbreit, M.S. (2007). "Restorative justice dialogue: Three decades of victim offender mediation practice & research in the global community." Corrections Review: Korean Society for Correctional Service. Vol. 37: 171-201.
Umbreit, M.S. (2006). Mediating Interpersonal Conflicts: Peacemaking Approaches in Relationships, Families, Workplaces, and Communities. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers.
Umbreit, M.S. & Ritter, R. (2006). Arab offenders meet Jewish victim: Restorative family dialogue in Israel. Conflict Resolution Quarterly. Vol. 9(1): 99-109.
Umbreit, M.S., Vos, B., Coates, R.B. and Armour, M. (2006). "Victims of severe violence in mediated dialogue with offender: The impact of the first multi-site study in the U.S." International Review of Victimology. Vol. 13(1): 27-48.
Umbreit, M.S. & Burns, H.(2006). Humanistic mediation: "Peacemaking grounded in core social work values." Italian Journal of Sociology and Political Science. Vol. 9: 93-104.
Umbreit, M.S. (2006). "Mindfulness, deep listening, & stories: The spiritual core of peacemaking." ACR Journal.
Umbreit, M.S, (2006). Victim offender mediation: An evolving evidence- based practice. In Sullivan and Tift (Eds.) The Handbook of Restorative Justice.
Peterson Armour, M. & Umbreit, M.S. (2006). Victim offender mediation and forensic social work. In Forensic Social Work in Juvenile and Criminal Justice Settings: Evidence-Based Handbook.
Umbreit, M.S. & Ritter, R. (2006). Arab offenders meet Jewish victim: Restorative family dialogue in Israel. Conflict Resolution Quarterly.Vol. 9(1): 99-109.
Abrams, L. & Umbreit, M.S. (2006). "Youthful offenders response to victim offender conferencing in Washington County, MN." Contemporary Justice Review. Vol.9(3): 243-256.
Bradshaw, W., Roseborough, & Umbreit, M.S. (2006). "The effect of victim offender mediation on juvenile offender recidivism: A meta- analysis." Conflict Resolution Quarterly, Vol. 24(1): 87-98.
Coates, R.B., Umbreit, M.S., & Vos, B. (2006). "Responding to hate crimes through restorative justice dialogue." Contemporary Justice Review, Vol. 9(1): 7-21.
Peterson Armour, M. & Umbreit, M.S. (2006). "Victim forgiveness in restorative justice dialogue." Victims & Offenders: Journal of Evidenced-Based Policies and Practices, Vol. 1 (2): 123-140.
Peterson Armour, M. & Umbreit, M.S. (2006). "Exploring closure and the ultimate penal sanction for survivors of homicide victims." Federal Sentencing Report. Vol. 19(2): 105-112.
Peterson-Armour, M. & Umbreit, M.S. (2005). The paradox of forgiveness in restorative justice. In E. Worthington (Ed.), Handbook of Forgiveness.
Umbreit, M.S., Coates R.B. and Vos, B. (2005). Victim offender mediation: Evidence-based practice over three decades. In The Handbook on Dispute Resolution, Josey-Bas.
Umbreit, M.S., Coates R.B. and Vos, B. (2005). Victim offender mediated dialogue: Three decades of practice and research. In P. Herman (Ed.), The Blackwell Handbook on Mediation : A Guide to Effective Negotiation. Blackwell Publishing.
Umbreit, M.S. (2005). Victim offender mediation in criminal and juvenile courts. In Judge's Handbook on Alternative Dispute Resolution, American Bar Association.
Lightfoot, E. & Umbreit, M.S. (2005). "An analysis of statutory provisions for victim-offender mediation." Criminal Justice Policy Review. Vol. 15 (4): 418-436.
Umbreit, M.S., Vos, B., & Coates, R.B. (2005). "Restorative justice in the 21st century: A social movement full of opportunities and pitfalls." Marquette University Law Review. Vol. 89(2): 251-304.
Umbreit, M.S., Coates R.B. and Vos, B. (2004). The Impact of victim offender mediation: Two decades of research. In P. Kratcoski (Ed.), Correctional Counseling and Treatment. Long Grove, Illinois: Waveland Press.
Umbreit, M.S. (2004). Restorative justice. In J. Smykla (Ed.), Corrections in the Twenty-First Century
Bazemore, G. & Umbreit, M.S. (2004). Balanced and restorative justice: Prospects for juvenile justice in the 21st century. In A. Roberts (Ed.), Juvenile Justice Sourcebook. Oxford: University Press.
Coates, R.B., Umbreit, M.S., and Vos, B. (2004) "Systemic change toward restorative justice in Washington County, Minnesota." Federal Probation Journal.
Umbreit, M.S., Coates, R.B., & Vos, B. (2004). The impact of victim offender mediation: Three decades of practice and research." Conflict Resolution Journal.
Nugent W., Williams, M. & Umbreit, M.S. (2004). "Participation in victim offender mediation and the severity of re-offense: A Meta-Analysis." Research in Social Work Practice.
Umbreit, M.S., Coates, R.B., & Vos, B. (2004). "Restorative versus community justice: Clarifying a muddle or generating confusion." Contemporary Justice Review.
Bradshaw, W. & Umbreit, M.S. (2004). "Victim satisfaction with juvenile offender dialogue: Results from a four-site study." Child and Adolescent Social Work.
Lightfoot, E. & Umbreit, M.S. (2004). "An analysis of statutory provisions for victim-offender mediation." Criminal Justice Policy Review.
Abrams, L. & Umbreit, M.S. (2004). "Youthful offenders response to victim offender conferencing in Washington County, MN." Contemporary Justice Review.
Umbreit, M.S., Bradshaw, W. and Coates, R.B. (2003). Victims of severe violence in dialogue with offenders: Key principles, outcomes, and implications. In E. Weitekamp and H. Kerner(Eds.), Restorative Justice in Context: International Practice and Directions. Portland, OR: Willan Publishing.
Bradshaw, W. & Umbreit, M.S. (2003). "Assessing satisfaction with victim services: The development and use of the victim satisfaction with offender dialogue scale." International Review of Victimology.
Bradshaw, W., Umbreit, M.S., Coates, R.B. & Armour, M. (2003). "Family survivors of homicide meet the offender: A case study in mediated dialogue." Homicide Studies.
Umbreit, M.S., Coates, R.B., & Vos, B. (2003). "Community justice through circles." Contemporary Justice Review.
Umbreit, M.S., Lewis, T. & Burns, H. (2003). Community response to a 9/11 hate crime: Restorative justice through dialogue. Contemporary Justice Review.
Nugent W., Williams, M. & Umbreit, M.S. (2003). "Participation in victim- offender mediation and the prevalence of subsequent delinquent behavior: A meta-analysis." Utah Law Review
Umbreit, M.S., Vos, B., Coates, R.B., & Brown, K. (2003). Facing Violence: The Path of Restorative Justice & Dialogue, Monsey, NY: Criminal Justice Press.
Umbreit, A. & Umbreit, M.S. (2002). Pathways to Spirituality & Healing: Embracing Life in the Face of Severe Illness. Fairview Press.
Umbreit, M.S., Coates, R.B. & B.Vos (2002). The impact of restorative justice conferencing: A multi-national perspective. British Journal of Community Justice
Umbreit, M.S. & Bradshaw, W. (2002). Factors that contribute to victim satisfaction with mediated offender dialogue in Winnipeg: An emerging area of social work practice. Journal of Law and Social Work.
Umbreit, M.S. (2001).The Handbook on Victim Offender Mediation: An Essential Guide for Practice and Research. San Francisco: Jossey- Bass.
Umbreit, M.S. (2001). Restorative justice. In J. Dressler (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice. New York: Macmillan Reference.
Umbreit, M.S. (2001). Restorative justice and mediation. In T. Gray (Ed.), Exploring Corrections (Pp. 322-330). Boston: Allen and Bacon.
Umbreit, M.S., Coates R.B. and Vos, B. (2001). Victim impact of meeting with young offenders: Two decades of victim offender mediation practice and research. In A. Morris & G. Maxwell (Eds.), Restorative Justice Practice & Research: New Zealand Publisher.
Umbreit, M.S. Coates. R.B., and Vos, B. (2001). The impact of victim offender mediation: Two decades of research. Federal Probation
Nugent, W.R., M.S. Umbreit, L. Wiinamaki and J. Paddock (2001). Participation in victim offender mediation and re-offense: Successful replications? Journal of Research on Social Work Practice, 11(1),5- 23.
Umbreit, M.S., Coates, R.B. and Vos, B. (2001). Restorative justice circles: The impact of community involvement. Perspectives.
Umbreit, M.S., Coates, R.B. and Roberts, A.W. (2000). The Impact of Victim Offender Mediation: A Cross-National Perspective. Mediation Quarterly, 18(3).
Umbreit, M.S. & Vos, B., (2000). Homicide survivors meet the offender prior to execution: restorative justice through dialogue. Homicide Studies 4(1), 63-87.