Social policy
Researchers at the School of Social Work are seeking to improve the lives of individuals, particularly those who are marginalized and disenfranchised, through policy reform at different levels.
Wendy Haight Wendy Haight
- Professor and Gamble-Skogmo Chair in Child Welfare and Youth Policy
- 612-624-4721
Child Welfare, Developmental Psychology, Mental Health, Social Services, Substance Abuse

Joseph Merighi Joseph Merighi
- Associate Director of the School of Social Work; Associate Professor
- he, him, his
End-stage renal diseases, Medication adherence, Chronic illness, Social work practice in health care settings.

Lynette Renner Lynette Renner
- Professor; Director of the PhD Program; Director of Graduate Studies; Gamble Skogmo Endowed Chair
- she, her, hers
- 612-624-8795
Family Violence, Domestic Violence, Child Welfare, Family Based Interventions, Mental and Behavioral Health, Youth Development, Gamble Skogmo Endowed Chair

Jessica Toft Jessica Toft
- Associate Professor
- she, her, hers
- 612-624-3689
My research examines two sides of the same coin: how neoliberalism works to limit the professional authority of social work, and how social work can and has used democratic ideas and actions to protect and extend professional authority.

Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare researchers
Traci LaLiberte Traci LaLiberte
- Executive Director, Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare
- 612-624-2279
Child Welfare, Disability, Evaluation, Policy, Systems Change

Kristine Piescher Kristine Piescher
- Assistant Executive Director, Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare
- 612-624-9783
Child Welfare, Evaluation, Policy