Lynette Renner
Pronouns: she, her, hers
Professor; Director of the PhD Program; Director of Graduate Studies; Gamble Skogmo Endowed Chair
School of Social Work
Room 184 Peters Hall
1404 Gortner Ave
St Paul, MN 55108 - 612-624-8795

Areas of interest
Family violence; intimate partner violence and child maltreatment; mental and behavioral health; suicide; parenting; help-seeking; disclosure; peer victimization; delinquency; firearm violence
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Family Violence
PhD: Social Welfare (minor: Educational Psychology-Quantitative Methods), University of Wisconsin-Madison
MSW: Social Work, University of Kentucky
BSW/BS: Social Work & Social and Behavioral Sciences (minor: Sociology), University of Mary
My research focuses on interpersonal violence occurring in home and school environments, including child maltreatment, adult intimate partner violence (IPV), children’s exposure to IPV, and peer victimization. My research encompasses three related areas: (1) the effects of multiple types of victimization on health and well-being, (2) help-seeking strategies and resilience, and (3) cross-system interventions and service provision within healthcare, child welfare, domestic violence, and civil legal service systems. I have been principal investigator on projects funded by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women’s Health (OWH), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the University of Minnesota’s Clinical and Translational Science Institute, Office of Clinical Affairs, and Center for Urban and Regional Affairs. I teach doctoral courses on theory and model development and research practica, and an undergraduate course on intimate partner violence.
Renner, L.M., Hartley, C.C., & Carter, K. (forthcoming). It’s not all or nothing: Women’s differential use of help-seeking strategies in response to intimate partner violence. Journal of Family Violence.
Schwab-Reese, L.M., Renner, L.M., Quang, D., Carlyle, K., Nair, I., Chase, K., & DeMaria, A.L. (forthcoming). “if I stay silent, it doesn’t help anyone”: Understanding how young people use TikTok to talk about sexual violence victimization. Violence Against Women.
Schwab-Reese, L.M., Lenfestey, N.C., Williams, A.W., Renner, L.M., & Prochnow, T. (forthcoming). Network analysis to visualize qualitative results: Example from a qualitative content analysis of The National Child Abuse Hotline. Health Promotion Practice.
Williams, A.H., Williams, A., Renner, L.M., PettyJohn, M., Cash, S., & Schwab-Reese, L. (forthcoming). “I need to talk to someone...What do I do?”: Peer-to-peer disclosures of child maltreatment on social media. Journal of Family Violence.
Renner, L.M., & Driessen, M.C. (2023). Family violence content in baccalaureate and master’s-level social work programs. Journal of Social Work, 23(2), 243-264.
Renner, L.M., Piescher, K.N., & Mickelson, N.L. (2023). Academic outcomes among children who experienced or were exposed to physical abuse. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 38(3-4), 2510-2533.
Renner, L.M., & Hartley, C.C. (2022). Women’s perceptions of the helpfulness of strategies for coping with intimate partner violence. Journal of Family Violence, 37(4), 585-599.
Renner, L.M., Driessen, M.C., & Lewis-Dmello, A. (2022). An evaluation of a parent group for survivors of intimate partner violence. Journal of Family Violence, 37(2), 247-259.
Mason, S., Frazier, P.A., Renner, L.M., Fulkerson, J.A., & Rich-Edwards, J.W. (2022). Childhood abuse-related weight gain: An investigation of potential resilience factors. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 62(1), 77-86.
Renner, L.M. (2021). The co-occurrence of child maltreatment and intimate partner violence: A commentary on the special issue. Child Maltreatment, 26(4) 464-469.
Schwab-Reese, L.M., Renner, L.M., King, H., Miller, R.P., Forman, D., Krumenacker, J.S., & DeMaria, A.L. (2021). “They’re very passionate about making sure that women stay healthy”: Women’s experiences participating in a community paramedicine home visiting program. BMC Health Services Research, 21, 1167.
Renner, L.M., Wang, Q., Logeais, M.E., & Clark, C.J. (2021). Health care providers’ readiness to identify and respond to intimate partner violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(19-20) 9507-9534.
Clark, C.J. Renner, L.M., Wang, Q., Flowers, N.I., Morrow, G., & Logeais, M.E. (2021). A systemic intimate partner violence intervention to identify and support survivors in a multi-specialty health system. BMC Research Notes, 14, 344.
Renner, L.M., Hartley, C.C., & Driessen, M.C. (2021). Provider, caretaker, nurturer, hero: Perceptions of parenting changes among women who experienced intimate partner violence. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 30(9), 2191-2203.
Teufel, J., Renner, L.M., Gallo, M., & Hartley, C.C. (2021). Income and poverty status among women experiencing intimate partner violence: A positive social return on investment from legal aid services. Law & Society Review, 55(3), 405-428.
Renner, L.M., & Hartley, C.C. (2021). Psychological well-being among women who have experienced intimate partner violence and received civil legal services. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(7-8) 3688-3709.
Renner, L.M., Spencer, R.A., Morrissette, J.A., Lewis-Dmello, A., Michel, H., Anders, D., & Clark, C.J. (2021). Implications of severe polyvictimization for cardiovascular disease risk among female survivors of violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(1-2) 491-507.
Clark, C.J., Renner, L.M., & Logeais, M.E. (2020). Intimate partner violence screening and referral practices in an outpatient care setting. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 35(23-24), 5877-5888.
Renner, L.M., Schwab-Reese, L.M., Coppola, E., & Boel-Studt, S. (2020). The contribution of interpersonal violence victimization types to psychological distress among youth. Child Abuse & Neglect, 106.
Renner, L.M., Driessen, M.C., & Lewis-Dmello, A. (2020). A pilot study evaluation of a parent group for survivors of intimate partner violence. Journal of Family Violence, 35(2), 203-215.
Sieben, A., Renner, L.M., Lust, K., Vang, W., & Nguyen, R.H.N. (2020). Adverse childhood experiences among Asian/Pacific Islander sexual minority college students. Journal of Family Violence, 35(3), 297-303.
Renner, L.M., & Driessen, M.C. (2019). Siblings who are exposed to child maltreatment: Practices reported by county children’s services supervisors. Journal of Public Child Welfare, 13(5), 491-511.
Clark, C.J., Wetzel, M., Renner, L.M., & Logeais, M. (2019). Linking partner violence survivors to supportive services: Impact of the M Health Community Network Project on healthcare utilization. BMC Health Services Research.
Schwab Reese, L.M., & Renner, L.M. (2018). Screening, management, and treatment of intimate partner violence among women in low-resource settings. Women’s Health, 14, 1-15.
Renner, L.M., Boel-Studt, S., & Whitney, S.D. (2018). Behavioral profiles of youth who have experienced victimization. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27(5), 1692-1700.
Cohen, A.R., Renner, L.M., & Shriver, E.M. (2017). Intimate partner violence in ophthalmology: A global call to action. Current Opinion in Ophthalmology, 28(5), 534-538.
Renner, L.M., & Boel-Studt, S. (2017). Physical family violence and externalizing and internalizing behaviors among children and adolescents. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 87(4), 474-486.
Burnette, C.E., & Renner, L.M. (2017). A pattern of cumulative disadvantage: Risk factors for violence across Indigenous women’s lives. The British Journal of Social Work, 47(4), 1166-1185.
Markward, M., Renner, L.M., Yu, M., & Cary, S. (2016). Perceptions of torture in men’s abuse of women. Violence and Gender, 3(4), 196-201.
Renner, L.M., Schwab Reese, L.M., Peek-Asa, C., & Ramirez, M. (2015). Reporting patterns of unidirectional and bidirectional verbal aggression and physical violence among rural couples. Journal of Family Violence, 30(8), 1069-1078.
Renner, L.M., Cavanaugh, C.E., & Easton, S.D. (2015). Pathways linking violence against women, depression, personal mastery, and perceived parenting competence. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 24(9), 2817-2826.
Renner, L.M., Whitney, S.D., & Easton, S.D. (2015). Profiles of self-reported parenting competence and stress among women with/without histories of childhood sexual abuse. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 24(3), 749-761.
Renner, L.M., Habib, L., Stromquist, A.M., & Peek-Asa, C. (2014). The association of intimate partner violence and depressive symptoms in a cohort of rural couples. Journal of Rural Health, 30(1), 50-58.
Renner, L.M. (2023, September). Suicidality among women as a result of intimate partner violence. Paper presented at the European Conference on Domestic Violence. Reykjavik, Iceland.
Renner, L.M. (2023, June). Family violence content in U.S. baccalaureate and master's-level social work programs. Paper presented at the European Conference on Social Work Education. Porto, Portugal.
Teufel, J., Renner, L.M., Gallo, M., & Hartley, C.C. (2020, January). Civil legal aid participation improves income and decreases poverty among women experiencing intimate partner violence. Paper presented at the 24th Annual Society for Social Work Research Conference. Washington, DC.
Renner, L.M. (2019, June). Health care providers’ knowledge and preparation related to intimate partner violence. Paper presented at the European Association of Schools of Social Work conference. Madrid, Spain.
Renner, L.M., Schwab Reese, L.M., Boel-Studt, S., & Coppola, E. (2019, March). Types of child victimization and associations with clinically-significant levels of anxiety, depression, and aggression. Paper presented at the 2019 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. Baltimore, MD.
Renner, L.M., Whitney, S.D., & Burnette, C.E. (2019, March). Early victimization and health as correlates of later intimate partner violence. Poster presented at the 2019 International Convention of Psychological Science. Paris, France.
Renner, L.M., Hartley, C.C., & Hahn, A. (2019, January). A latent class analysis of women's use of intimate partner violence safety strategies. Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Society for Social Work Research Conference. San Francisco, CA.
Renner, L.M., Wang, Q., Logeais, M., & Clark, C.J. (2019, January). Provider knowledge, screening rates, and institutionalization of an IPV protocol: Midpoint findings from the M Health Community Network. Poster presented at the 23rd Annual Society for Social Work Research Conference. San Francisco, CA.
Renner, L.M., Wetzel, M., Logeais, M.E., Scott, H., & Clark, C.J. (2018, July). M Health Community Network midpoint findings: Provider knowledge, screening rates, and institutionalization of an IPV protocol. Paper presented at the International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference. Portsmouth, NH.
Renner, L.M. (2018, July). Women’s perceptions of what strategies are helpful and unhelpful for stopping intimate partner violence. Paper presented at the Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development. Dublin, Ireland.
Heinen, M., & Renner, L.M. (2018, April). Making their voice heard: Minnesotans’ opinions about suicide and mental health. Poster presented at the American Association of Suicidology Annual Conference. Washington, DC.
Renner, L.M., Logeais, M., & Clark, C.J. (2018, January). Provider readiness to screen and respond to intimate partner violence among adult patients in a multi-specialty clinic setting. Poster presented at the 22nd Annual Society for Social Work Research Conference. Washington, DC.
Renner, L.M., Markward, M., Yu, M., & Cary, S. (2017, July). Perceptions of torture in men’s abuse of women. Paper presented at the 20th International Consortium for Social Development. Zagreb, Croatia.
Hartley, C.C., Renner, L.M., & Taylor, J. (2017, June). A closer look at the importance of civil legal services on battered women. Invited presentation at the Iowa State Bar Association annual meeting. Des Moines, IA.
Renner, L.M., & Hartley, C.C. (2017, January). Perceptions of parenting among women who have experienced intimate partner violence. Poster presented at the 21st Annual Society for Social Work and Research Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Renner, L.M. (2016, August). Physical family violence and externalizing and internalizing behaviors among children and adolescents. Poster presented at the 21st International Summit on Violence, Abuse and Trauma. San Diego, CA.
Renner, L.M., & Hartley, C.C. (2016, July). Well-being among women who have experienced IPV and received civil legal services. Paper presented at the International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference. Portsmouth, NH.
Renner, L.M., Boel-Studt, S., & Whitney, S.D. (2016, July). Emotional and behavioral profiles of youth who have experienced victimization. Poster presented at the International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference. Portsmouth, NH.