Joseph Merighi
Pronouns: he, him, his
Associate Director of the School of Social Work; Associate Professor
School of Social Work
Room 287 Peters Hall
1404 Gortner Ave
St Paul, MN 55108

Areas of interest
Social work practice in health care settings
Psychosocial aspects of end-stage renal disease
Nephrology social work
Interprofessional practice
PhD, Social Welfare, University of California, Berkeley
MSW, Social Welfare, University of California, Berkeley
MA, Clinical Psychology, Connecticut College
BS, Psychology and Life Sciences, Juniata College
Additional study: Fédération Universitaire et Polytechnique de Lille, École des Hautes Études Industrielles, Lille, France.
My research examines the professional roles and contributions of social work practitioners in health care settings, with a particular emphasis on nephrology social workers in dialysis clinics. To execute my research agenda, I conduct quantitative and qualitative studies that describe the changing landscape of social work practice in nephrology settings and explore how social workers enhance the physical and psychosocial well-being of patients with end-stage renal disease. For example, some of my work has quantified at a national level dialysis social workers’ job roles and responsibilities, patient caseloads, and emotional exhaustion. Together, these efforts will help strengthen the overall quality and delivery of psychosocial services to patients, provide better work environments for nephrology social work practitioners, and contribute to improved health outcomes of people with kidney disease.
Kilaberia, T. R., & Merighi, J. R. (2023). Interprofessional care in a retirement and assisted living community: The complexity of teamwork. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 37(6), 866−876.
Flangan, S., Sterman, J., & Merighi, J. R., Batty, R. (2023). Bridging the gap – How interprofessional collaboration can support family-centered emergency preparedness: An exploratory qualitative study. BMC Public Health, 23(1):777.
Lee, M. H., Hong, S., & Merighi, J. R. (2021). The effect of fatalism on mammography use in Korean American women. Health Education & Behavior. Advance online publication.
Wongboonsin, J., Merighi, J. R., Walker, P. F., & Drawz, P. E. (2021). Travel arrangements in chronic hemodialysis patients: A qualitative study. Hemodialysis International, 25(1), 113−122.
Kim, J., Lee, H. Y., Won, C., Barr, T., & Merighi, J. R. (2020). Older adults’ technology use and its association with health and depressive symptoms: Findings from the 2011 National Health and Aging Trends Study. Nursing Outlook, 68(5), 560−572.
Moore Green, G., Merighi, J. R., Voorhes, P., & McCool, M. (2020). A multisite study on using Symptom Targeted Intervention to improve mental health outcomes of solid organ transplant patients. Progress in Transplantation, 30(2), 132−139.
Lee, M. H., Merighi, J. R., & Lee, H. Y. (2019). Factors associated with mammogram use in Korean American immigrant women. American Journal of Health Behavior, 43(6), 1075−1085.
Browne, T., Merighi, J. R., Washington, T., Savage, T., Shaver, C., & Holland, K. (2019). Nephrology social work. In S. Gehlert & T. A. Browne (Eds.), Handbook of health social work (3rd ed., pp. 411−440). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Hager, K. D., Merighi, J. R., O’Donnell, C., & Remke, S. (2018). Integrated behavioral health collaboration in a family medicine clinic: Insights from residents, physicians, and pharmacists. Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice, 13, 65−72.
Merighi, J. R., Zheng, M., & Browne, T. (2018). Nephrology social workers' caseloads and hourly wages in 2014 and 2017: Findings from the National Kidney Foundation Council of Nephrology Social Workers Professional Practice Survey. Journal of Nephrology Social Work, 42(1), 31−59.
Dechaine, C. L., Merighi, J. R., & O’Keefe, T. (2018). Healing the heart: A qualitative study of challenges and motivations to cardiac rehabilitation attendance and completion among women and men. Sex Roles, 79(7), 489−503.
Ceckowski, K. A., Little, D. J., Merighi, J. R., Browne, T., & Yuan, C. M. (2017). An end-of-life practice survey among clinical nephrologists associated with a single nephrology fellowship training program. Clinical Kidney Journal, 10(4), 437−442.
Kim, J., Lee, H. Y., Christensen, M. C., & Merighi, J. R. (2017). Technology access and use, and their associations with social engagement among older adults: Do women and men differ? Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 72(5), 836−845.
Lee, H. Y., Kim, J. H., & Merighi, J. R. (2015). Physical activity and self-rated health status among older cancer survivors: Does intensity of activity play a role? Oncology Nursing Forum, 42(6), 614−624.
Merighi, J. R., & Browne, T. (2015). Nephrology social workers' caseloads and hourly wages in 2014: Findings from the NKF-CNSW Professional Practice Survey. Journal of Nephrology Social Work, 39(1), 33–60.
Merighi, J. R. (2014). Behavioral self-management of end-stage renal disease: Implications for social work practice. In D. I. Mostofsky (Ed.), The handbook of behavioral medicine (Vol. 2, pp. 871-891). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
Merighi, J. R. (2012). Changes in dialysis social workers’ caseloads, job tasks, and hourly wages since the implementation of the 2008 Conditions for Coverage. Journal of Nephrology Social Work, 38, 8–20.
Merighi, J. R., Schatell, D. R., Bragg-Gresham, J. L., Witten, B., & Mehrotra, R. (2012). Insights into nephrologist training, clinical practice, and dialysis choice. Hemodialysis International, 16, 242–251.
Merighi, J. R., & Collins, K. (2011). Critical concerns and contributions of nephrology social workers: Reactions to the 2008 Conditions for Coverage. Journal of Nephrology Social Work, 35, 9–16.
Browne, T., & Merighi, J. R. (2010). Barriers to adult hemodialysis patients’ self-management of oral medications. American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 56(3), 547–557.
Fuller-Thomson, E., Sawyer, J., & Merighi, J. R. (2010). Lifetime prevalence of comorbid mood disorders in a representative sample of Canadians with Type 1 diabetes. Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications, 24, 297–300.
Merighi, J. R., & Sterman, J. (2023, June). Health care inequities and COVID-19: Lessons learned from families who have children with disabilities and chronic health conditions. Paper to be presented at the 2023 European Conference on Social Work Education, Porto, Portugal.
Bethel, S. R., Browne, T., Grace, B., Merighi, J. R., Sullivan, J., & Savage, T. (2020, January). Influencing federal health policy: Lessons from nephrology social work. Paper presented at the 24th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, Washington, DC.
Merighi, J. R., & Browne, T. (2019, November). Applying the Social Work Health Impact Model to chronic kidney disease care in the United States. Paper presented at the 2019 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, Philadelphia, PA.
Merighi, J. R., O’Keefe, T. C., Zheng, M., Burt, M., Pergolski, A., Fietek, T., & Devereaux, M. (2019, September). Factors associated with perceived stress in cardiac rehabilitation patients. Moderated scientific poster presented at the 34th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Portland, OR.
Merighi, J. R., Zheng, M.,1 & Browne, T. (2019, January). Job-related conditions explain emotional exhaustion in dialysis social workers. Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, San Francisco, CA.
Miller, J., Merighi, J. R., Pittinger, A., Benbenek, M., Peterson, B., & Remke, S. (2018, September). Imagining a different horizon: How to develop a longitudinal IPE simulation curriculum in mental health. Workshop conducted at All Together Better Health IX, Auckland, New Zealand.
Merighi, J. R., Browne, T., & Zheng, M. (2018, July). Factors associated with emotional exhaustion in social work practice: Findings from a national survey of renal social workers. Paper presented at the Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development 2018, Dublin, Ireland.
Merighi, J. R., Benbenek, M., & Remke, S. (2018, July). Developing interprofessional collaborative practice skills using clinical simulation. Paper presented at the Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development 2018, Dublin, Ireland.
Merighi, J. R. (2017, November). Social workers and kidney disease care in the United States: Professional roles and challenges. Invited presentation given at Beijing Normal University, School of Social Development and Public Policy, Beijing, China.
Merighi, J. R., Benbenek, M., & Remke, S. (2017, August). Assessing the interprofessional competence of advanced practice nursing and Master of Social Work students using clinical simulations. Paper presented at the 20th Biennial International Symposium of the International Consortium of Social Development, Zagreb, Croatia.
Moore Greene, G., Voorhes, P., Merighi, J. R., & McCool, M. (2016, October). Using Symptom Targeted Intervention to improve psychosocial outcomes of solid organ transplant patients. Paper presented at the Society for Transplant Social Work Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
Merighi, J. R., Remke, S. S., & Browne, T. (2015, September). Social work leadership on interprofessional health care teams. Roundtable discussion at Collaborating Across Borders V, Roanoke, VA.
Merighi, J. R., & Browne, T. (2015, July). Disparities in social work practice in for-profit and non-profit dialysis settings in the United States. Paper presented at the 19th International Symposium of the International Consortium for Social Development, Republic of Singapore.
Merighi, J. R., & Browne, T. (2014, April). Findings from the national 2014 nephrology social work caseload and salary survey: Implications for practice and advocacy. Paper presented at the National Kidney Foundation Clinical Meetings, Las Vegas, NV.