Linda Jones
Professor Emeritus
School of Social Work
Peters Hall
1404 Gortner Ave
Saint Paul, MN 55108-6160 - 612-624-3691

Areas of interest
Social work ethics, health/mental health policy, women and social welfare policy, program evaluation, research methods
PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison
MSW, University of Wisconsin-Madison
"The Kids Capacity Initiative Pilot Project." The purpose of this project is to develop, implement, and evaluate a strengths-based approach to treatment foster care. A three year process and outcome evaluation of the Kids Capacity Initiative will examine the effectiveness of this innovative program which is being developed and implemented by a local foster care agency.
"Adult Children of Lesbians and Gays: Retrospective Views of Growing Up in a Lesbian or Gay Family." Through in-depth interviews, this qualitative research is examining the retrospective family-related perceptions and experiences of adult children of lesbian mothers or gay fathers. Participants in the study are diverse in terms of race, ethnicity, age, religion, class background, and the type of community (geographically and politically) in which they were raised. The interviews focus particularly on ways in which the children and their families negotiated day-to-day life situations, relationships, and decisions within a social context that is not always supportive or affirming of this family form.
Jones, L.E. (2002). The Kids Capacity Initiative Final Evaluation Report. Family Alternatives, Inc. Minneapolis, MN
Gurak, L., Jones, L.E., et al (2002). The Effectiveness of Children's Advocacy Websites. Internet Studies Center, University of Minnesota.
Jones, L. E. (1999). Social work practice with lesbian and gay families. In Kim Strom-Gottfried (Ed.). Social work practice: Cases, activities and exercises pp. 241-276. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.
Jones, L. E. (1996). Should CSWE allow social work programs in religious institutions an exemption from the Accreditation Nondiscrimination Standard Related to Sexual Orientation? Journal of Social Work Education, 32 (3), 302-310.
Jones, L. E. (1991). The Minnesota School Curriculum Project: A statewide domestic violence prevention project in secondary schools. In B. Levy (Ed.). Dating violence: Young women in danger pp. 258- 266. Seattle, WA: Seal Press.
Kravets, D., & Jones, L. E. (1991). Supporting Practice in feminist service agencies. In M. Bricker-Jenkins, N. Hooyman, & N. Gottlieb (Eds.), Feminist social work practice in clinical settings pp. 233-249. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Jones, L. E., & Wattenberg, E. (1991). Working, still poor: A loan program's role in the lives of low-income single parents. Social Work, 36 (2), 146-153.