Priscilla Gibson
Professor; Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker
School of Social Work
Room 265 Peters Hall
1404 Gortner Ave
St Paul, MN 55108
- 612-624-3678
- Download Curriculum Vitae [PDF]

Areas of interest
Culturally sensitive services to African American families; African American grandmothers as kinship care providers; families with children who have developmental delays; qualitative research methods; teaching social justice content
PhD, University of Denver
MSW, Tulane University
BS, Southern University at Baton Rouge
Priscilla Gibson, Professor, was a 2020 Fulbright Scholar in the Department of Social Work at the University of Namibia. Previously, she held faculty positions at the Kent School of Social Work at the University of Louisville and J.F.K. Center for Developmental Disabilities, University of Colorado, Health Sciences Center. Dr. Gibson is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker (LICSW) and has over 25 years of direct social work practice experience. She teaches Social Work Practice with Individuals and Systems, Social Work Practice with Families and Groups, and Advanced Social Work Practice with Diverse Populations. She also conducts study abroad courses in Ghana.
Dr. Gibson’s research interests include African American grandmothers and other older caregivers in kinship care arrangements, qualitative research methods; teaching social justice content, and mentoring women. She has also explored strategies employed by African American women elders to deal with racism. She has been awarded funding from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and the Minnesota Kinship Caregivers Association. From the University of Minnesota, she received the Agricultural Experiment Station (AES) and the Presidents Multicultural Awards.
Dr. Gibson earned a doctoral degree from the University of Denver in Denver, Colorado; a Master of Social Work from Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana; and a Bachelor of Sciences from Southern University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Gibson, P.A. & Coleman, J. (2023). Strategies For Dealing with Racism From African American Women Elders To a Younger Generation. In C. Santana, R. Risam, A. Garcia-Guevara, J. Krupczynski, C. Lynch, J. Reiff, C. Vincent & E. Ward (Eds.), Anti-Racist Community Engagement (pp. 114-121 ). Campus Compact/Stylus Publishing.
Freeman, R., Gibson, P.A. & Valandra. (2023). Sociopolitical Development of Palliative Care in Namibia on Three Social System levels. In The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Change (pp. 1-14). United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.
Gibson, P.A., Nashandi, N. & Valandra (2023). African American grandmother Caregivers’ Perspective on Caregiving in the Opioid Crisis. In R. Denby & C. Ingram (Eds., 121-157). Child and Family-Serving Systems: A Compendium of Policy and Practice. Child Welfare League of America.
Gibson, P.A., Gray, P. Chaisson, R. & Valandra, (2022) (Eds.). Special Issues. Black Racial Injustice: Personal Reflections to Change Strategies. Reflections: Narrative of the Professional Helping, 28(2). Retrieved from…
Gibson, P. A., Valandra, Gray, P. A., & Chaisson, R. (2022). Reflections from the Guest Editorial Team: Black Racial Injustice: Personal Reflections to Change Strategies. Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping, 28(2), 4–10. Retrieved from…
Gibson, P.A., Ananias, J., Freeman, R. & Chilwalo, N. (2022). Social Work and Social Policy in Namibia. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Social Work Online.
Gibson, P.A., Squire, C. & Asojo, A. (2021). Art of Healing: Interdisciplinary Approaches for Women of Color in Academia and a Pop-up Rejuvenation Space. In M. DeLong, B. Hokanson, C. Strohecker, T. Fisher, A. Asojo, A., & S Chu, (Eds.) Design: Thinking and Making at a Community-Engaged University (pp. 218-230. The College of Design Anniversary Compendium). College of Design, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, MN.
Baik, J., Yoon, Y. J., Gibson, P.A., Lo, N., Nam, H.R., Im, Y. J. & Lee, H. Y. (2021). Mothering and mothered during defection and resettlement: Experiences of North Korean refugee women and their children, Children and Youth Services Review, 130, 1-8.
Freeman, R. & Gibson, P.A. (2020). Country Portrait Namibia: Country Portrait of the Development of Namibia’s Social Welfare and Social Work Systems. socialnet International [online]. 10.11.2020 [Date of citation: 10.11.2020]. ISSN 2627-6348.
Lee, H., Hasenbein, W., & Gibson, P.A. (2020). Mental health and older adults. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Social Work. Oxford University Press. doi:
David, S., Gibson, P.A. & Malm, P. T. (2020). Language Needs of Population Served. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Social Work Online. Doi:
Haight, W., Korang-Okrah, R., Black, J.E., Gibson, P.A., & Nashandi, N. J.C. (2020). Moral Injury among Akan women: Lessons for Culturally Sensitive Child Welfare Interventions, Children and Youth Services Review.
Cho, M., Haight, W., Gibson, P.A., Nashandi, N., & Yoon, Y. (2019). A mixed methods study of black girls’ vulnerability to out-of-school suspensions: The intersection of race and gender. (Minn-LInK Brief No. 41). St. Paul, MN: Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare, University of Minnesota. Available at:
Gibson, P.A., Haight, W., Cho, M., & Nashandi, N. & Yoon, Y.J. (2019). A Mixed Methods Study of Black Girls’ Vulnerability to Out-Of-School Suspensions: The Intersection of Race and Gender. Children and Youth Services Review, 102, 169-176.
Nam, H.E., Baik, H.W., Lee, H.Y., Bae, E.S., Gibson, P.A., & Hwang, D.S. (2018). The 4th Industrial Revolution and Social Work Focus on People with Disabilities. International Journal of Advance Science and Technology, 116, 87-95.
Gibson, P.A. & Callais, A. (2018, April 1). Conducting Experiential Learning Day in the African American Community. Curriculum Developed for the Center of Advanced Study in Child Welfare. School of Social Work, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.
Gibson, P.A. & Nashandi, D. (2018, October 21). Qualitative Evaluation of Parenting Needs and Experiences of Parenting Programs. External evaluation report to Lutheran Social Services, Minneapolis, MN.
Korang-Okrah, R., Haight, W., Gibson, P.A., & Black, J. (2017). Solutions to property rights “violations”: The role of international social workers in addressing human rights. International Social Work., doi10.1177/0020872817731141.1-14
Kayama, M., Haight, W. & Gibson, P.A. (2016). Out-of-school suspensions of Black youth: Culture, ability/disability, gender, and perspective. Social Work, 61(2), 1-9. doi: 10.1093/sw/sww021.
Kenigsberg, T., Winston III, W., Gibson, P. A., & Brady, S. S. (2016). African American caregivers’ resources for support: Implications for children's perceived support from their caregiver. Children and Youth Services Review, 61, 337-344.
Logan, S. & Gibson, P.A. (2016) (Eds.). Special Issue on Dismantling Racism, Reflections: Narrative of the Professional Helping, 21(3).
Kayama, M., Haight, W., Gibson, P.A., & Wilson, R. (2015). Use of the criminal justice voice in personal narratives of out-of-school suspensions: Black students, caregivers, and educators. Children and Youth Services Review, 26-35.
Gibson, P.A. & Crewe, S. (2015) (Eds.). Special Issue on Relative Caregiving. Reflections: Narrative of the Professional Helping, 20(4).
Logan, S.L., Denby, R., & Gibson, P.A. (Eds.) (2007). Mental Health in the African American Community. NY: Haworth Press.
Gibson, P.A. (2014). Extending the Ally Model of Social Justice to Social Work Pedagogy. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, doi:10.1080/08841233,2014.890691.
Gibson, P.A., Wilson, R., Haight, W., Kayama, M., & Marshall, J. (2014). The role of race in the out-of-school suspensions of black students: The perspectives of students with suspensions, their parents and educators. Children and Youth Services Review, 47, 274-282.
Gibson, P.A., & Valandra (2014). Grandparenting. NASW Encyclopedia of Social Work Online (ESWO). DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780199975839.013.1149.
Coleman, J. & Gibson, P.A. (2023, March 23). African American Women Elders’ Perspectives on Intergenerational Socialization Practices as an Anti-Racism Strategy. Poster presented at the College of Human Development, University of Minnesota, St. Paul
Asojo, A., Gibson, P.A., Squires, C. & Fritz, C. (2022, November 12). Post Pandemic Design Intervention: Spaces to improve mental health and well-being on a University Campus. Paper presented at 2nd World Congress on Primary Healthcare and Medicare Summit, Paris, France on Zoom.
Gibson, P.A., Coleman, J. & Aguy, A. (2022, November 11). The Trifecta of Antiracist Social Work Practice on African American Families: Educating, Applying and Researching. Paper presented at the Overcoming Racism Conference, St. Paul MN.
Gibson, P.A. & Coleman, J. (2022, October 14). Using the Wisdom of African American Women Elders (AAWE) As a Pathway for Youth to deal with Racism. Paper presented at the 2022 Imagining America (IA) National Gathering: Rituals of Repair & Renewal Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Coleman, J., Lowery, C. & Gibson, P.A. (2022, May19). The Status Of Critical Race Theory; Implications For Building Black Intellectualism In Social Work Education. Panel presented at Common Ground Consortium Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Haight, W., Korang-Okrah, R., Black, J. E., Gibson, P.A., & Nashandi, N.J.C. (2020, Jan). Moral Injury among Akan Women: Lessons for Culturally Sensitive Child Welfare Interventions. Paper presented at Society for Social Work Research, Washington DC.
Gibson, P.A., Haight, W., Cho, M., Nashandi, N. J.C, & Yoon, Y. J. (2020, Jan). A mixed methods study of Black Girls' vulnerability to out-of-school suspensions: The intersection of race and gender. Paper presented at Society of Social Work Research, Washington DC.
Gibson, P.A., Haight, W., Cho, M., Nashandi, N. J.C, & Yoon, Y. J. (2019, Oct, 25). A mixed methods study of Black Girls' vulnerability to out-of-school suspensions: The intersection of race and gender. Paper presented at the 65th Council on Social Work Education, Annual Program Meeting (APM), Orlando, FL.
Gibson, P.A., Nashandi, N.J.C., & Haight, W. (2019, January). Pathways to out-of-School Suspensions for Black Girls. Paper presented at the Society of Social Work Research, San Francisco, CA.
Gibson, P.A. & Nashandi, D. (2018, November 10). Child Welfare Interprofessional Education using Experiential Learning in an African American Community. Paper presented at the 64th Council on Social Work Education, Annual Program Meeting (APM), Denver, CO.
Gibson, P.A., Asojo, A., Squires, C. & Dwivedi, R. (2018, October 2). Interdisciplinary Healing Approaches for Women of Color in Academia. Round Table presented at Engagement Scholarship Consortium, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Gibson, P.A. & Goldberg, R. (2018, May 24). Grandmothers as Involuntary & Non-voluntary Caregivers. Paper presented at the Working with Involuntary Clients: International Perspectives Conference, Prato, Italy
Nashandi, N, Gibson, P.A., & Haight, W. (2018, May 17). African Immigrant Students Out-Of School Suspensions: Issues of Acculturation. Paper presented at the International Social Work Conference (ISWC), Augsburg University, St. Paul, MN.
Asojo, A., Dwivedi, R., Squires, C. & Gibson, P.A. (2018, March 1). The Art of Healing: A Rejuvenation Space. Paper presented at the Advancing Publicly Engaged Research, Teaching, and Learning to Address Society's Grand Challenges Conference, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN
Gibson, P.A. (2017, October 21). Black Girls and Their Experiences with Out-of-School Suspensions. Paper presented at the 63rd Annual Program Meeting in Dallas, TX
Gibson, P.A., Goh, M., & Singh, V. (2017, July). Engagement and Involvement in Social Justice Work at a University. Paper presented at the 20th International Symposium of the International Consortium for Social Development, Zagreb, Croatia.
Gibson, P.A. & Addo, A. (2016, June). Developing Short-Term Study Abroad Course focusing on Human Rights and Social Justice in Ghana. Paper presented at the Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development, Seoul, Korea
Gibson, P.A., Goh, M., & Singh, V. (2016, April). Faculty’s Perception of Engagement in Equity and Diversity Work in Higher Education. Paper presented at the Keeping Our Faculty VII: Recruiting, Retaining and Advancing American Indian Faculty & Faculty of Color, Minneapolis, MN
Kayama, M., Haight, W., & Gibson, P.A. (January, 2016). Use of criminal justice language in personal narratives of out-of-school suspensions: Black students, caregivers, and educators. Paper presented at the 2016 Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, Washington, DC.
Addo, A, Axtell, S., Gibson, P.A., Goldberg, R. & Solheim, C. (2016, September). Connecting Global & Local Community Engagement: Lessons Learned from Experiences. Panel presentation at the Internationalizing the Curriculum and Campus Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Gibson, P.A. (2015, April). African American Grandparenthood: The State of Research. Presented to the Community Affair Committee, University Northside Partnership,Minneapolis, MN.
Gibson, P.A., Haight, W., & Kayama, M. (2015, March). Pathways to Suspensions: The Perspectives of Students with Suspensions, their Caregivers, and Educators. Paper presented to the East Metro Integration District Lecture and Learn Series: Recent research and best practice. Minneapolis, MN.
Kayama, M., Gibson, P.A., & Haight, W. (2014, November). Understanding the Perspectives of Students, their Caregivers and Educators on Suspensions of Black Students: Three Theoretical Lenses. Poster presented at the 2014 Gallery of Excellence, Minneapolis, MN.
Gibson, P.A., Hartmann, D., & Squires, C. (2014, April). The K-12 context: Students & parents, policy, outreach & pipelines. Panel session presented at the African American Research Collective Symposium Spring 2014. Minneapolis, MN.