College of Education and Human Development

School of Social Work


10 of 210 results

Ginny Ramseyer Winter Quoted in The New York Times

Associate Professor Ginny Ramseyer Winter was quoted in the news article “In Some Doctors’ Offices, the Weigh-In Is No Longer Required,” published Thursday, December 26 in The New York Times.

Associate Professor Ginny Winter Ramseyer

McNair Scholarship Winners

We are proud to honor our two McNair Scholarship winners: Nyalaan Jok and Leslie Luces Saavedra. In addition to their achievements, we would like to showcase both of them here.

Hannah MacDougall accepted into Mothers Leading Science

Assistant Professor Hannah MacDougall was accepted into the 2025 cohort for Mothers Leading Science, a leadership program for research intensive faculty in the health sciences who are also mothers to young children.

Congratulations to Amy Dorman!

Amy Dorman, Ph.D. Candidate in the School of Social Work, has accepted the position of Research and Training Director, Office of Justice Programs at the Minnesota Department of Public Safety (DPS).