SSW/CASCW to Support Child Welfare Center in Namibia

Our Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare (CASCW) will assist in establishing a child welfare research and training center at the University of Namibia (UNAM).
Dr. Ndilimeke Nashandi ('22 PhD) and Dr. Traci LaLiberte of CASCW have been collaborating on this work for a year. A week-long gathering, to be held in the Namibian capital, Windhoek, in June, will involve key stakeholders from Namibian ministries and NGOs across fourteen districts, alongside experts from CASCW (Drs. LaLiberte, and Piescher), the School of Social Work (Dr. Joan Blakey), and the Institute on Community Integration (Dr. Amy Hewitt ).
Funding for travel to Namibia is partly supported by grants from CEHD's International Initiatives and Global Signature Grant.