College of Education and Human Development

School of Social Work

Title IV-E Child Welfare Training Fellowship

This fellowship provides financial support and educational resources to MSW students who are committed to a post graduate career in public or tribal child welfare. New applicants to the MSW Program should make this career goal evident throughout their MSW Application.

This is an educational training grant award of $11,500 per semester or $23,000 per academic year.

Funding is available for fall and spring semesters; there are no awards for summer matriculation. Full program students (53 credits) are eligible to receive the funding for four semesters. Advanced standing students (34 credits) are eligible to receive the stipend for three semesters.

Students who receive the training grants become Child Welfare Fellows. They agree to seek and accept employment in public or tribal child welfare (i.e.: positions in child protection, adoption, or foster care) upon degree completion and must commit to working one month for each month that they receive support from the grant.

See the University of Minnesota’s Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare website for further information about this training fellowship.

Child Welfare Training Fellowship Application

If you are applying for admission to the MSW program, you should check the Child Welfare Training Fellowship box on the Graduate School Application (and choose the Families and Children concentration).

    Application Instructions

    Please watch the Realistic Job Preview of Minnesota. This video was designed to give people considering a career in child welfare an accurate depiction of the day to day work. Once you have reviewed the video, please respond to the following questions six questions (divided into two parts) in one two- to four-page essay (1000 words or less) response:

    Part 1

    1. Based on your experience or what you observed in the Realistic Job Preview video, when you envision yourself doing the work of child protection or foster care, what aspects are most attractive to you?
    2. Based on your experience or what you observed in the Realistic Job Preview video, when you envision yourself doing the work of child protection or foster care, what aspects do you think would be most difficult for you?

    Part 2

    1. Discuss your interest in, and commitment to, working in public or tribal child welfare services. What brought you to believe that work in child protection and foster care is a good fit for you? Include examples of past experiences working with children and/or parents in, or at-risk of entering, the child welfare system. If you do not have such experience, please explain your motivation for working with these families.
    2. Describe your commitment to culturally responsive social work, particularly with persons disproportionately represented in child welfare services. Illustrate this commitment with examples of your own experience.
    3. Describe your short-term and long-term professional goals and how you see MSW-level training in child welfare assisting you in achieving these goals.
    4. Title IV-E applicants, particularly those who identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color), should note in their application if they are interested in participating in the Ramsey County Practicum Program (see "Unique Practicum Opportunity for Title IV-E Fellows" below).

    Use of generative AI tools is not permissible in the development of your essay. Upload your Realistic Job Preview Response Statement in the on-line application (under Title IV-E Fellowship).


    • Students must select the Families and Children concentration.
    • Full program students (53 credits) are eligible for up to 4 semesters of support (there are no awards for summer study).
    • Students with Advanced Standing entering the MSW program are eligible for up to 3 semesters of support (there are no awards for summer study).
    • This award is available to students who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

    Special Requirements

    • Fellows must complete at least one field placement in a public or tribal child welfare setting.
    • All fellows are required to participate in special IV-E events and training that amount to an additional 2.5 hours (on average) per week as compared to other MSW students.