PhD History Symposium Comes to Peters Hall Next Week

Join us for this year's PhD student Historical Research in Social Work and Social Welfare paper symposium (based on original and archival research). Most of the primary source material comes from our Social Welfare History Archives at the Elmer Anderson UMN library. An end of the semester poster project presentation, the event will be held on Thursday, April 25th from 1:00 — 4:00 P.M. in Room 5 of Peters Hall, and is open to all.
Here is the schedule:
1:00 P.M. Jessica Toft, PhD Welcome
1:05 P.M. Melissa Latcham
Sisters Seeking Solidarity: Women's Narratives on Mental Health in No More Cages, 1981-1983
1:30 P.M. Labibah Buraik
A Fractured History: Social Work Imaginaries of Palestine
1:55 P.M. Wonjoon Hwang
Unveiling the Historical, Cultural, and Institutional Dynamics of Korean Adoption in Minnesota
2:20 P.M. Kazi Abusaleh
Analysis of the 1990 U.S. Immigration Act in the Era of Neoliberalism
2:45 P.M. Elin Amundson
On Our Own Behalf: Rural Women's Activism during 1980s Economic Crises
3:10 P.M. Louise Gao
Ollie Randall's Pioneering Contributions to the Aging Field: A Thematic Analysis
3:35 P.M. Kenny Turck
The Konopka School of Social Work: Acting on a Legacy