Rajean Moone
Pronouns: He/Him
Adjunct Faculty
Office Hours
School of Social Work, Peters Hall, 1404 Gortner Ave, St Paul, MN 55117
- 6512350346
- moon0060@umn.edu

Areas of interest
Aging and disability policy, LGBTQ aging, social welfare history
We all deserve to live and age with dignity and respect. Yet, older adults are often marginalized, and their contributions undervalued. I advocate for a just society by leading the University's Age-Friendly Council and Long Term Care Administration Program. My commitment to the community extends to serving on the Governor’s Council on an Age-Friendly Minnesota and the boards of FamilyMeans, Minnesota Association of Geriatrics Inspired Clinicians, Stevens Square Foundation, and Care Providers of Minnesota Foundation. My academic background in Psychology, Gerontology, and Social Work is enhanced by my pursuit of lifelong learning as a Gerontological Society of America Fellow, Hartford Fellow, McNair Scholar, and Health and Aging Policy Fellow. I work across disciplines, holding positions funded by the College of Continuing and Professional Studies, the Center for Healthy Aging & Innovation, the School of Public Health, the Medical School, and the School of Social Work.