Williams receives 2022 Safe Havens IMPACT Award

SSW Professor Oliver Williams has been named a 2022 recipient of Safe Havens Interfaith Partnership Against Domestic Violence and Elder Abuse Safe Havens IMPACT Award.
“IMPACT” stands for “Individuals Making Progress against Abuse in Communities Together,” and the award committee recognizes Dr. Williams’ important work on domestic violence in the African American community:
“From his early research that highlighted the need for faith communities to address abuse effectively, to the formation of the Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community, and now your work with the African American Domestic Peace Project and Ujima, you have continually highlighted intersections of faith, abuse, and race. Your publications, your videos, and your research have significantly influenced work to end abuse across the U.S., and have strengthened the work that we do at Safe Havens. You have helped to hold the wider domestic and sexual violence movements accountable in how we integrate both faith and race into our work. You have truly had an IMPACT on community responses to abuse. This is a well-deserved honor.“
The 2022 IMPACT Award ceremony will feature Dr. Williams and other recipients in a virtual panel discussion in March.