College of Education and Human Development

School of Social Work

Register for Codes of Silence, Confidentiality, & Secrets: Implications for the Child Welfare System

Registration is now open for Codes of Silence, Confidentiality, & Secrets: Implications for the Child Welfare System. This FREE reflective seminar is co-sponsored by the Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare (CASCW), the School of Social Work, College of Education and Human Development, and the Center for Urban and Regional Affairs (CURA), University of Minnesota. 

Opening Remarks: Professor Esther Wattenberg of the School of Social Work, CASCW, and CURA

  • Acknowledging the Privacy and Involuntary Status of Families in the Child Welfare System: How Should Practice Respond to Codes of Silence and Secrets Held Within a Family and Their Children?—Ronald Rooney, PhD, Professor, School of Social Work; Editor, Strategies for Work with Involuntary Clients, 2009, Second Edition
  • Practical Application of the Provision of Data Practices in a Child Welfare Setting: The Tennessen Warning—Thom Campbell, JD, Social Services Program Consultant, Minnesota Department of Human Services
  • Panel Presentation (TBA)

Commentary: Safeguarding Privacy in an Information Society: Special Challenges for the Child Welfare System—Dee Wilson, Director, Child Welfare Services, Knowledge Management, Casey Family Programs
Check-in will begin at 1:15 pm. Contact Esther Wattenberg or Mary Kaye LaPointe at or call 612-625-6550 for more information.