College of Education and Human Development

School of Social Work

Professor Saida Abdi to present at National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD)

School of Social Work Assistant Professor Saida Abdi has been invited to present at an upcoming meeting organized by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD). NIMHD’s Immigrant Health Initiative was established to support research into the risk/protective factors and challenges affecting the health of U.S. immigrant populations and interventions to promote health equity. The goal of the meeting is to bring together grantees in the field of immigrant health to share best research practices and lessons learned, and to discuss future research directions in this dynamic field.

photo of Dr. Saida Abdi
Dr. Saida Abdi

Dr. Abdi was part of a previously funded project at Boston Children’s Hospital and will be presenting that research: Exploring Pathways Among Discrimination and Health Among Somali Young Adults.

Within the School of Social Work, Dr. Abdi is an expert in refugee trauma and resilience whose area of focus is building individual, family, and community resilience and improving the responsiveness of systems of care to the needs of refugee and immigrant communities. Her passion is developing trauma-informed culturally-clinically integrated services that are led or co-led by community members to enhance capacity building and ensure ownership and engagement.