College of Education and Human Development

School of Social Work

Minnesota Task Force on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women

The School of Social Work will present a Conversations with Communities event, Minnesota Task Force on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Thursday, October 22, 2020, noon to 1 p.m. via Zoom.

Featured speakers will be Rep. Mary Kunesh-Podein (41B), task force chair, and Nigel Perrote, task force coordinator.

The Task Force on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women was established in April 2019 as an outcome of the significant work led by Native American activists and a bill authored by Rep. Mary Kunesh-Podein to address the disproportionately high rates of violence against indigenous women and girls.

Join us to hear more about the work of this important new task force and the research and recommendations they are developing to create change in Minnesota.

CEUs will be provided to those in full attendance. The event is free but requires an RSVP to, with your name, email address, and any accessibility specifications.