Article published that uses Minn-LInK data to examine permanency for older youth with disabilities
The Children and Youth Services Review recently published an article based on the doctoral dissertation research of Dr. Katharine Hill, Assistant Professor at the School of Social Work, University of St. Thomas. Dr. Hill used CASCW’s
Minn-LInK data to create a sample of 2,156 older youth with disability data in Minnesota in order to examine the permanency and placement experiences of older youth with disabilities in out-of-home placements.
Two of Dr. Hill’s findings were that older youth with disabilities were more likely to spend longer periods of time in out-of-home placements and have higher rates of placement instability than their peers without disabilities. Implications and recommendations based on this data include the need to improve services and supports for older youth with disabilities in out-of-home care.
To view the article, visit*. The full citation is:
Hill, K. (2012). Permanency and placement planning for older youth with disabilities in out-of-home placement. Children and Youth Services Review. Advance online publication. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2012.03.012
*Please note: You may not be able to access this article if you do not have a personal or institutional subscription to the journal.