College of Education and Human Development

School of Social Work

MPR News Features SSW Faculty Expert on Grief and Loss

On December 31, 2024, MPR News host Angela Davis held an in-depth discussion about grief with Stacy Remke, clinical social worker and senior teaching specialist at the University of Minnesota School of Social Work, and Melissa Lundquist, an associate professor in the School of Social Work and director of the undergraduate social work program at the University of St. Thomas.

Stacy Remke, Senior Teaching Specialist


Davis urged her guests to reflect not only on the different ways that people express grief, but also what can happen when we suppress grief and what we can do to support people who are grieving.


Remke, the author of “The Insider’s Guide to Grief,” explains that ‘look on the bright side thinking’ is not helpful to people who are grieving. 


“‘Look on the bright side’ thinking is just not helpful when you are grieving,”Remke said. “I think that people search for ways to comfort people, saying things like maybe it’s not so bad and the glass is half full, but people trying to support grieving people should know that’s not helpful. What is most helpful is validation of the pain of loss, and a listening, non-judgmental ear.” 


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