Dr. Harrison Featured in CEHD Interview
Our own Dr. KC Harrison — devoted and much revered senior lecturer in our youth studies program — was featured in an online interview earlier last Wednesday. The text — via the CEHD Ambassadors Instagram account (@cehdambassador) — and photos are republished here, as they were originally shared:
"Meet Dr. K.C. Harrison from the Youth Studies major program. A course that she highlights for the Youth Studies Major is YOST 1001: Seeing Youth, Thinking Youth: Media, Popular Media, and Scholarship:
This course is an invitation to meet and engage with the field of Youth Studies. This is an introductory course to a subject you already know about – you’ve lived its content; thought about it; you may even written poems, made a video or posted a meme about this life-moment. Since you know this so well, why take a university course on it?
You will leave this course better able to notice the young people around you; wonder about them and their lives; name, describe and analyze what you see and hear and read about youth. This course is about all young people.
This means that we are attentive to including material about youth from diverse backgrounds, many ethnic/racial, social class, linguistic, and geographic locations or those who have a variety of physical and mental capacities, those who are 'normal' and 'typical' and those who are 'not.'
Together, we will examine myths and stereotypes about youth, where they come from, and how to deconstruct them using a variety of lenses— social, popular and news media, young adult novels, academic articles, biographies, and more. We will do this through engaging class discussions and activities."
See the Instagram post here.