Dr. Ann Masten to Lead January Research Colloquium

The first SSW research colloquium of the new year is now open to registration.
Join us over the lunch hour on January 31 as we welcome Dr. Ann Masten, from the UMN - Institute of Child Development.
Dr. Masten will speak on "School Success in Students Experiencing Homelessness: Risk and Resilience."
Here's the link to sign up.
Ann S. Masten, PhD, LP, is a Regents Professor in the Institute of Child Development at the University of Minnesota (UMN).
She completed her undergraduate degree at Smith College, PhD in psychology at UMN, and a clinical internship at UCLA. Dr. Masten is well-known internationally for her research on resilience in human development, especially in the context of homelessness, poverty, disaster, war, and migration.
She is a past President of the Society for Research in Child Development and Division 7 (Developmental) of the American Psychological Association (APA). She has received numerous awards, including the Bronfenbrenner Award for Lifetime Contributions to Developmental Psychology and the Mentor Award from Division 7 of APA. She was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2021 and is the 2024 winner of the Grawemeyer Prize in Psychology.
Dr. Masten has published more than 300 scholarly works and she offers a free MOOC (Mass Open Online Course) on “Resilience in Children Exposed to Trauma, Disaster and War” that has been taken by thousands of participants from more than 180 countries.
We look forward to seeing you on January 31!