College of Education and Human Development

School of Social Work

Assistant Professor Samimi Named Co-Editor of Special Issue of Youth

Ceema Samimi, assistant professor at the UMN School of Social Work, is one of two guest-editors for an upcoming special issue of the academic journal Youth. Dr. Samimi and co-editor Brita A. Bookser, assistant professor in the Department of Child Studies at Santa Clarita University, have titled the issue “Beyond the Pipeline: Exclusionary Discipline and Youth Power in K-12 Education.”


Assistant Professors Samimi and Bookser are seeking submissions for this special issue, and the deadline for submissions is August 15, 2025.


“This Special Issue will move scholarship beyond examinations of disparities and inequities in exclusionary discipline to address the fundamental problem of schools as carceral sites where exclusion is merely one aspect of a system of punishment,” the call for papers states. “We invite submissions that interrogate the school-to-prison pipeline narrative, [and] make space for youth power and radical imagination.”


Examples of topic areas that explore the special issue theme include:

  • Intersectional and structurally conscious narratives and analysis;
  • Youth perspectives on exclusionary discipline and just futures;
  • Youth-led and youth-centered programs for justice and well-being;
  • Place-based investigations of anti-carceral and abolitionist education;
  • Complication and expansion of exclusionary discipline as a concept and practice;
  • Creative anti-carceral and youth power projects within schools and community settings;
  • Critical theoretical and methodological approaches.


Read the special information about the upcoming special issue of Youth, and see the complete information about suggested themes.